Wednesday 26 February 2014

i was ordered by court to pay child support of 308.00. over the yrs she has asked for more and more money, i couldn't afford to pay a lawyer...


i was ordered by court to pay child support of 308.00. over the yrs she has asked for more and more money, i couldn't afford to pay a lawyer so i had agreeded to give her more now I'm paying 500.00 and I can't afford it or afford to move out of my parents home due to student bill etc. She has deniged me my visitation rights. Do I have to pay the 500.00 or can i just pay her the 308.00.


You are only obligated to pay what either the court has ordered or what is called for in a written agreement. Either parent can ask the court to modify the original order up or down depending on a significant change in income for either party since then. You should be aware that since the original order the MD child support guidelines have been updated, which has resulted in higher amounts being required. Especially in view of your visitation problems, if there is no written agreement now for custody, support or visitation, you should seek the assistance of an experienced family attorney to help you prepare and negotiate one. Check with the bar association in your county for programs that offer reduced fee representation if you income qualify.

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