Monday 21 April 2014

my parents live in a mobile home park, every tuesday my daughters and my dog go visit them for the day. Last week, Wed morning my husband re...


my parents live in a mobile home park, every tuesday my daughters and my dog go visit them for the day. Last week, Wed morning my husband received an email supposedly from the park management, saying that they had surveillance tape of our dog running off leash and that this has been an ongoing problem for the past several months. I called my mom and asked her about it, she said the dog is not out and that she would talk to the manager. When she went to the office, they said that they hadn't sent the email, but likely it had come from my mother's neighbor, who has cameras and has already sent threatening letters to my parents in other regards. So my question is this, Is it legal for her to send an email to my husband at work, pretending to be from the property management team?



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