Saturday 22 November 2014

My husband and I have only been married 2 years and have a 6 month old together. I left him after verbal abuse and controlling me. He made g...


My husband and I have only been married 2 years and have a 6 month old together. I left him after verbal abuse and controlling me. He made good money at the time but he was let go from his job due to a mutral agreement ( which I believe he did to lower his child support) I stayed at home before and during my pregnany and was a stay at home mom. I am much younger and don't have an education like he does or experience to get a good paying job to support myself. He stopped paying my bills and now my car is going to get repossed and the car that I signed for his mom is also going to be repoed. I am soon going to be needing to find a place to live because my parents are moving. I will not have enough money to pay for my apartment, my car and child care due not having a career. Does he have to help me get a car since my credit will be ruined and he stopped paying mine. Will he be able to get custody because I can't support myself and provide a house without his help. We have been spilt up for 3 months and has not once tried to see my daughter. He only wants custody so he doesn't have to pay child support. He is working at a couple different places but he is also working under the table and he put his business into his friends name so it shows he's not making as much money as he is. What are my rights?


You need to file for emergency temporary needs - what are you waiting for? file the Petition, drag him into court and get the matter on the books. File for divorce and get support for you and your child.


It possible, maybe probable, that he will have to pay your expenses and attorney's fees if you file for divorce. He may be liable to you for alimony for other things as well, such as to transition you out of divorce or to assist you with education, but those things are less likely. The relative incomes of the parties have almost nothing to do with who will have timeshare ("custody" and "visitation") with the child.

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