Saturday 22 November 2014

I have a judgement against me for someone who died without an estate. It was an ex family member. I've asked the court to close the judgemen...


I have a judgement against me for someone who died without an estate. It was an ex family member. I've asked the court to close the judgement. The court scheduled a hearing and included the atty who represented this family member. Why do they need a hearing and can this attorney come after me for money that the deceased may have owed him? The deceased next of kin is willing to come to court and say they want the case closed without collecting the money.


Sounds like the court doesn't want to close the case on paper. You haven't told me enough to render an opinion concerning whether the attorney can come after you for payment. It's a civil matter so there's nothing compelling you to appear but I guarantee that if you don't it'll go badly for you. Do the right thing. Hire an attorney and let them fight it out.

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