Saturday 28 February 2015

What can i do when im bored?

What can i do when im bored?
BALLOONS. My friends and I have a list of awesome things to do with balloons.

1. P-R-A-N-K-S

-Write random words on balloons, tie a string to them, early in the morning or late at night, walk to neighbor's houses and tie them to the doorknobs of their front door. Tying mexican candy to the bottom of the string and leaving them on their door mat is even better.

-Blow up about 80 balloons (or just a whole lot) and put them all in your sibling's or friend's bedroom.

2. G-A-M-E-S

-Balloon Bomb is a fun game you probably played when you were little, but it's still really entertaining now. Just blow up a balloon and pretend it's a bomb, and if it touches the ground, it explodes. Fun to play with multiple people or by yourself, or with multiple balloons.

-Target practice during a movie, play a movie, tape 15 balloons to a wall near the movie, get or make a small slingshot, pop a bag of popcorn in the microwave, sit and watch the movie with your friends. Eat the popcorn, and when you find unpopped corn kernels, shoot them at the balloons with the slingshot. Fun thing to do if you're watching a movie on a TV channel during the commercials.


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