Saturday 28 February 2015

I have been in my house for 7 1/2 years now. I have found out that its pretty much a money pit - major plumbing issues, basement leaks, rott...


I have been in my house for 7 1/2 years now. I have found out that its pretty much a money pit - major plumbing issues, basement leaks, rotted boards and other issues. My house was built in 1920 and was rehabed when i moved in. I was approached in february 2011 by a development company (along with 3 other neighbors) that they wanted to buy us out (offered good prices and extras) and were going to build businesses. After almost a year of waiting and hearing nothing positive I notified her and found out it was not happening. The gal was going to meet with me and discuss options for me but never showed up or called so I sensing a little used by all of this. I can no longer really stay in my house with the issues that it has due to finances. I have never been late or missed a payment in all the time I have lived here. I am a single mother of a 3 y/o and cant not have the worry of something going wrong in the house and not being able to fix it. I will need to start looking for a place to rent. Is there a way to get out of my mortgage or house without it affecting my credit? I have great credit and dont want to ruin it but also know that I can't live or raise my daughter in this house. Is that even possible ? I dont know where to go or who to ask so this was my first try.


You have a few options, none of which you will probably like all that much. Feel free to give me a call in the next few days to discuss your situation a bit more and what options you have. I offer a free consultation.

Mandy Shell

(816) 399-5030

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