Friday 24 October 2014

I have three sisters. My three sisters disowned my mother via hateful letters. My mother has had a long history of suicide attempts and depr...


I have three sisters. My three sisters disowned my mother via hateful letters. My mother has had a long history of suicide attempts and depression, and my sisters sent these letters approximately a month after my mother attempted suicide. They refused to speak to her or take her phone calls or acknowledge her existence for the next 6 months until she took her own life. For the past approximate 8 months, my sisters and father have been emailing me, calling me, and texting me trying to talk to me. I have severe emotional trauma from what they caused my mother to do and every time I hear from them in any manner it sends me into a near panic attack. I have told them on multiple occasions since December 2011 to please never communicate with me in any way and that I will indefinitely not be communicating with them. I have blocked them via every form of communication I can think of and deleted my social network pages. They still find new forms of communication to reach out to me and continue to harass me. Is this enough to obtain a restraining order of some kind? I have no idea how to get them to stop communicating with me and it causes me severe, serious emotional trauma and anxiety every time I hear from them. I just want them to be served with court orders saying that they cannot reach out to me or come within 100 feet of me. Is this enough? Please help me. I'm going through the worst tragedy and grief of my life with my mother taking her own life, and my family badgering me is severely impacting my ability to cope and degrading my quality of life.


You can apply for a PPO. It is not at all difficult.

It is done at the Circuit court.


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