Sunday 26 October 2014

I got caught shoplifting yesterday in Kohls. I am 23 and live in Ohio. I have never been in any trouble before other than a speeding ticket,...


I got caught shoplifting yesterday in Kohls. I am 23 and live in Ohio. I have never been in any trouble before other than a speeding ticket, but that was when I was 17.

I was with a friend who had done it before and talked me into trying it (I know it was ultimately my decision). I went into a dressing room with a handful of clothes and took the tags off of a pair of jeans and put them into a pocket on another pair. I put the jeans in my purse and continued to try on other clothes so it didn't look suspicious. When I was finished, I exited the dressing room and put some clothes back, but continued shopping. I proceeded to put clothes back and walk out of the store and as I was walking towards my friend, 2 guys stopped me and asked me to come back inside with them. I played dumb and acted like I had no idea what they were talking about, but followed them to the back room anyway.

Once we were in the LP room, they took out the tags and another one (which wasn't from me) and asked if I knew about them. I got nervous and pulled the jeans out of my purse (by reading other answers, I realize I shouldn't have done this because they couldn't prove I did it) and started to fill out papers.

A cop walked in and they asked a couple questions. I gave them my information and tried to keep calm. The guy thanked me for being so cooperative and I apologized saying I knew it was a stupid decision.

I have a court date for next Thursday.

I know the decision I made was extremely stupid and if I could go back and change it, I would... but since I can't, I need some help.

I have a full time job and I also have a trip to the Bahamas planned next month with my boyfriends family. I am not telling anyone (not even family or boyfriend) because honestly, I'm just extremely embarassed. I just have a few questions and your answers are appreciated.

- I know I have to plead guilty, but what will happen after?

- Will I lose my job?

- Will I be able to travel?

- I know it will be on my record, but is there anyway to take it off?

Thank you for your help.


In Ohio, when a person is facing charges on a first offense, there is sometimes a possiblity of plea barganing this down to a lower offense. It also helps if you make restitution to the store (you will likely be getting a letter from their headquarters asking you to pay them a statutory fee). It would help were you to hire an attorney who might be able to negotiate with the prosecutor. Even if they have you dead to rights, an attorney can still sometimes swing a decent deal for you on a first time offense. Some courts prefer diversion for first time non-violent offenders wherein you will go take some course to educate you on how bad stealing is and then if you don't have any other offenses within a certain time period, they will dismiss the charges.

If you are convicted, after one year from the end of whatever sentence they impose being completed (including any probation) then you can file for expungement is this conviction is the only thing on your record (excluding traffic tickets).

The only way that you would lose your job is if your employer somehow found out about it and considered it a problem. But there usually isn't any process by which state notifies your employer of a conviction.

As for travel, if you are convicted, they may put you on probation, and you would want to ask your probation officer about that. If they don't put you on probation, then you can go wherever you please.

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