Friday 22 August 2014

why does my apartment manager need my birth certificate and why does it need to be notarized


why does my apartment manager need my birth certificate and why does it need to be notarized


Birth certificates should not be "needed" by an apartment manager. Indeed, certain information on a birth certificate is none of a landlord's business. Also, birth certificates are not notarized. They are certified by the issuer. A landlord might legitimately need to know that you are at least 18 years of age and that you are the person you claim to be. A driver's license, passport or California ID card should suffice for those purposes.


I agree with Mr. Whipple. I can't think of any legitimate reason a landlord would need or want your birth certificate. A notary is a witness that something was signed, so that seems strange, as the doctor at the time you were born signed your birth certificate, and good luck finding him now. You could get a "certified" copy of the birth certificate, which is stamped certified by the Recorder's Office.

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