Saturday 24 January 2015

I have a friend who was in an abusive relationship. After having left the relationship, her abuser obtained possession of her car. She tried...


I have a friend who was in an abusive relationship. After having left the relationship, her abuser obtained possession of her car. She tried to recover the car, but her abuser had created a 'fake' bill of sale. She was behind on her child support, and her abuser knew that she had an outstanding warrant for it and would not contact the police. A second friend of hers presented her with the idea of signing the title over to him, at which time he was supposed to go and have it recorded so that he could go and recover the car for her. He told her that by doing so they could sell the car and she could take the proceeds to pay off the child support arrears, and perhaps avoid having to go to jail. Once the second friend obtained possession of the car and title he refused to allow her to sell it or to return it to her. She has nothing in writing, but has several witnesses to the agreement they made. What, if any, legal recourse is available to her?


The legal recourse is to see a lawyer to try to figure out this mess, and deal with it. No one here s going to figure out the important facts, and the whole story, from your post. I am not sure why the prospect of going to jail has not already led her to a lawyer, not a friend posting on an internet forum.

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