Monday 21 July 2014

I lied to the police and said my boyfriend hit me and he took it to trail so now whats going to happen to me


I lied to the police and said my boyfriend hit me and he took it to trail so now whats going to happen to me


You are absolutely in need of legal representation, since lying to an officer in WI is a crime, punishable by up to 9 months in jail or a $10,000 fine. Since you also have a potential conflict of interest with your boyfriend, it is critical that you use a different lawyer than him, since his duties are only to his client. His attorney will have a professional obligation to help his client in a any way possible, regardless of your welfare. This is true even if it potentially means exposing you to potential jail by furnishing the authorities with a new statement wherein you admit to a crime, i.e., lying to them in your original statement which falsely accused your boyfriend. All this being said, if your boyfriend has a clean record and there was no physical evidence of injury, there is always a chance that his case can be resoved through plea negotiations. That way, you may not have to testify at all or furnish authorities with a conflicting statement. You, however, badly need your own independent legal representation in this process. Please be aware that my responses to you in the public web forum do not make me your attorney and that I am not representing you or taking any action on your case. Instead, these answers are intended for public educational use only and may also contain lawyer advertising materials. Regardless of this, however, you are still welcome to contact me during business hours at my in Racine if you still have questions, or see me on the web at For a list of my other answers on Law Guru, please see my profile link at .

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