Monday 27 April 2015

Hi, I was wrongfully terminated from my place of employment after 9 years. I was wrongfully accused of sexual harassment by an employee that...



I was wrongfully terminated from my place of employment after 9 years. I was wrongfully accused of sexual harassment by an employee that sent me over 300 text messages making advances, sexual favors, to come over etc. I refused or blew off this person several several times and she finally realized that I am married. When I arrived at work Mon 6/18, I was immediately called into my owner's office and terminated and never even given an opportunity to share my side and the information that I have because my employers told me that they didn't want a lawsuit against them. This story is 100% accurate and I am willing to even take a polygraph if necessarry. Please tell me what my option is becuause this is blatantly false. Another individual mentioned the same type of thing because I refused to engage in casual conversation after a poor judgement call on that person's part that involved the owner's relative. After only talking business for a week, I was asked to be spoken to privately where I was asked, "what's my problem" and "why aren't you talking to me?" I simply stated that I wanted to stay away from the drama and just do my job. After this alleged incident was brought to my owner on Thursday 6/14/12, the following Saturday I was still asked why I haven't casually engaged in conversation like I do with everyone else. She was also upset when I didn't acknowledge a Happy's Father's Day well wish(which I didn't even here because I was in the bathroom). I feel betrayed and disrespected in the worst possible way and I wnat justice for these blatantly false accusations. Thank you


This questions should be answered in the privacy of an attorney's office because it looks like you may have a Title VII claim.

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