This is for Mr. Roach. I have a public defender. Ive talked to him once over the phone regarding the case. He just read what was wrote in the report and didnt ask my side. I didnt admit to being under the influence at the time of arrest. My point is that he lied about the symptoms i showed and only got lucky that I came up positive. If i came up negative who cares there will be no reprucutions on his part.The reason why he arrested me, he wanted to search me. He asked me if he could search me i told him no and he said thats not the answer of a innocent person. So i have no rights. All i want is my pd is to get the recording from the police car have him listen to it and tell me what can be done. If he wont then i will have to defend my self some how. Thanks for your time. Others are welcome to reply.
You have a couple of options. First try calling the PD again. Second talk to the PD's supervisor, Third, if you feel that the PD is not representing you properly or you are unable to communicate with the PD tell the court that you want to make a Marsden motion. Then the court will listen to you and to the PD. If the court grants your motion it will appoint a new attorney to represent you.
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