Thursday, 18 December 2014

arrest warrant issued4 years ago I was arrested for having a suspended liscense for failure to pay a ticket. I like an idiot failed to make...


arrest warrant issued

4 years ago I was arrested for having a suspended liscense for failure to pay a ticket. I like an idiot failed to make it to court and left the state. I've built a good life and would like to clear this up. Would like to avoid jail. what should I do?


Re: arrest warrant issued

You need to determine what county you were arrested in. After that contact the clerk of the circuit court for that county. That office can tell you the status of your ticket. In many instances there will be a warrant for your arrest. In some instances there may be a bond forfeiture or an ex parte judgement (a fine imposed against you in your absence.) Once you know the status, you can contact an Illinois attorney with that information. From there the process depends upon what happened originally. If you wish to discuss the matter, feel free to contact our office for a consultation.


Re: arrest warrant issued

Hello. I would like to assist you with your problem. The first thing is to determine in what county the Illinois prosecution was in. If Cook County, then the correct municipal district. It is quite possible that if a warrant was issued, that this was reported to NCIS; therefore, if you are stopped in NM or another state, the officer would most likely take you into custody and see if Illinois wished to extradite you, but I don't find this to be too likely. Please let me know, so that I can point you in the right direction. GOOD LUCK!

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