Sunday, 2 March 2014

What is there to do at a cheap school?

What is there to do at a cheap school?
You could hold fundraisers. I know , that every year in my school the Childrens Wish Foundation comes , and we raise tons of money for the sick kids. Last year we raised about 26 , 000 ! Or you coukd hold a car wash , 5 dollars per car , and then with the money you can hold a fun day at the school , have a BBQ , spend the day outside , let kids bring their personal belongings like IPODS , digital cameras , Cell phones , Laptops , or anything they might enjoy using during the day. You could also , sell snack items at break. At my school , every Friday , teachers make Popcorn and sell it at break. $1 per bag , you can be surprised how much money you could make. There are alot of different ways to have fun at a cheap school , you just have to be creative.

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