Wednesday, 22 April 2015

My ex gf and I have joint legal and shared physical custody of our 4 year old daughter. We have already gone thru mediation and it has alrea...


My ex gf and I have joint legal and shared physical custody of our 4 year old daughter. We have already gone thru mediation and it has already been signed by the judge. I have her every weekend pick up time is 3Pm and I drop her off at 12pm on Mondays. Holidays are shared with pick up time 3pm. Here's the problem. On Thanksgiving we agreed that I would pick her up at 4pm to allow my daughter to have Thanksgiving dinner with her mother's family. We agreed that I would return her at 4PM on Chrismas so she can then spent dinner and time with my family.

I picked my daughter up at 4:30 after sitting outside her mother's house for half an hour. Now the ex is starting and saying she wants her back by 3 on Christmas or else she s calling the police. She also said my daughter will not be ready until 6pm on Friday. I am suppossed to get her at 3 This is all out of spite. What can I do.


Unfortunately visitation issues are difficult to resolve because Judges will generally not act based on what someone may do. I suggest that you retain an Attorney and have them contact your ex stating that if she does not comply with the court order there will be serious consequences. By the way police will genrally not get involved with visitation mattters.

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