Thursday, 23 April 2015

My boyfriend and I were recently fired from our jobs (we worked for the same company) I had worked there four years and was Store Manager an...


My boyfriend and I were recently fired from our jobs (we worked for the same company) I had worked there four years and was Store Manager and he had been there almost two years. We were fired through text message and accused of stealing. Neither of us has stolen anything. The employer retracted her accusation and then accused us again. Since then customers that I know have called me asking what's going on because they went to the store and asked when I was working again and were told "they were fired because they are thieves and expletives" is there anything I can legally do about this?


You can sue for defamation. It is "defamation per se" to accuse someone of being a thief. You will have to prove that what they said was false and that they said it to a third party.

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