Sunday, 14 September 2014

I live with my mother in her connecticut home withmy girlfriend and our son. When we first moved in we only had to buy our own food, but sin...


I live with my mother in her connecticut home withmy girlfriend and our son. When we first moved in we only had to buy our own food, but since now our stay has extended we pay for electricity and oil.Oh and one of my brothers also lives here for free But every month my mother would increase the amount of money i would have to pay her after my girlfriend got suspiscious i went to get a copy of the bills. My mother is not only charging us the whole bill but also not paying our money to it. There was a huge arguement that caught her in lies so my vendicted mother served us with a notice to quit. Please tell us what we can do. Also when we moved in she did not own the house my grandmother did my grandmother has now passed and she does now own the house and has over 50,000.00 that she put in a safty deposit box because she is hiding it from social security. Please tell us our rights.


If your mother now ownes the house, She is the landlord and you are the tennants. She is free to engage in evitiction proceedings if you have broken the terms of any tyoe of implied lease. The eviction process is very technical and your mother must fully comply to properly be able to evict you. If she has not, you may be able to extend your stay. However, to protect your rights in this process, they best thing to do is to seek further legal adivce in that the process is ongoing until you are actually evicted.

As to the money in the safe deposit box, there may be issues with either the IRS or Social Security you may be able to explore depending on how your mother came about the money.

William J. Lasko

203 329-6602

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