Tuesday, 4 March 2014

I received two checks from a person for work completed and took them to my local bank and cashed them. Now my bank says that it is a bad che...


I received two checks from a person for work completed and took them to my local bank and cashed them. Now my bank says that it is a bad check and im responsible for the money. is it 100% my responsibility? i didnt write the bad check>

MORE importantly, my wife has NOTHING to do with this and SHE primary on all our account. I am koint on ours so i underastand they can freeze it, but I HAVE NOTHING TO DO with my 2 kids accounts. Im NOT EVEN LISTED ON THEM but the bank has transferred ALL THEIR MONEY INTO our joint account TO COVER THE MONEY OWED and HAVE NOT EVEN SPOKEN TO MY WIFE WHO IS PRIMARY ON EVERYTHING. HOW CAN THEY DO THAT?


Sure they can. Start with reading your account agreements. You may not have written the bad check, but you took it to your bank and asked them to give you money in exchange for the check. Of course they are not going to hand over that money when you presented a bad check. To ask the same question you did, why should it be their responsibility to take a hit when you are the one who gave them the bad check? You also can't possibly say your wife has nothing to do with it when a check written to one of her accounts bounced and left the account overdrawn, thus leading to funds being transferred from other accounts she held.

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