In short we went to a large name dealership to trade in our car. We ended up not making a deal. The dealership paid off our potential trade in in this process. Our payments have been refused on our car because the account is closed due to pay-off. They have finally admitted to the error and to loosing our keys. This has been going on for two months. We ended up having to call their corporate office to try to resolve the matter. They finally call and want to fix it. They are offering three options. Option one is to dealer endorse a new loan on a vehicle within the price range of the original loan we were already approved for. Option two is to have us turn over our car to them since they have the title and split the negative equity with them. This will cost me around 2,000.00. Option three is to return the title to our finance company and let our account be in rears and appear on our credit. I don't feel that their options are that helpful. I have only included very breif details. We have been lied to repeaditly, called a liar, spent money re-tagging and stickering the car, and have to pay the bank back or a check that the finance company refunded a payment we sent and then they cancelled the check. We have tried working with the finance company, the dealership, their corporate office, the BBB, and LES to get this situation resolved. We live in Virginia and the dealership is in Tennessee. I hope you can advise me on what to do because I am getting so much mixed information.
You should see an experienced consumer rights attorney asap. Good luck.
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