Wednesday, 15 October 2014

My grandson has admitted sexually abusing his brother. He is currently in the Leecounty jail in Leesburg ,ga. At the time hewas 16 yrs old a...


My grandson has admitted sexually abusing his brother. He is currently in the Leecounty jail in Leesburg ,ga. At the time hewas 16 yrs old and his brother was 9 yrs old. His parents at the advice of the Sherrie took him in. It has been suggested that they use a court appointed lawyer. It also was indicated that he would be tried as an adult. I by no means condoning this action,but there is a long history I believe of abuse on my grandsons behave. (his mother died when he was 8 months old) his dad remarried and is where I believe theroblems began. He then divorced and has remarried for now 12 yrs. they have a son together and he is the abused child. At this time he is in counseling. I know my grandson has to be punshed for his actions, but I don't believe going to prison is going to help, is there in depth counseling for such actions in the state of Ga. All I want is the best representation for my grandson. There is so much more to this story,please help.


The "best representation" comes from hiring an excellent criminal lawyer and not posting the story on an internet website.


He could face years or decades in prison for this extremely heinous charge. If you are trying to help him, the best thing you could do would be to hire him the best criminal lawyer in the area. This will be costly, but you want experienced counsel.


Help with what? You can schedule a consult and wer can figure otu what you need help with. See website:

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