Monday, 15 September 2014

is there additional charges a lawyer can add on top of his 30 fee on an accident in california ?


is there additional charges a lawyer can add on top of his 30% fee on an accident in california ?


You are being unclear by using the word "charges." The only "charge" is the attorney's fee. There are usually, however, certain COSTS that the attorney recovers for himself together with his fee. This is the money that the lawyer spent as an advance to you so that the case could move forward. Those are the only parts of the settlement that go to the lawyer: fees, and costs.


30%? Most lawyers charge 33% before a lawsuit is filed, and then 40% afterwards. Some lawyers charge more depending on the complexity of your case. In any event, the client pays the costs which stem from the prosecution of your case. Usually, the costs are deducted at the very end.


It depends on what the Fee Agreement says. Generally, costs spent are also reimubursed.


Read your retainer agreement, it determines the fees and costs distribution. The client is always responsible for all costs, filing fees, depo fees, jury fees, expert fees, etc. Those come out of the client share after the attorney fees are taken. Attorney normally charge from 35 - 50 % of the gross recovery.


That depends on what your contract says. Most contingent-fee contracts require the client to cover costs in addition to paying the lawyer's fee. And many charge different amounts depending upon the stage at which the case is resolved.

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