Friday, 3 January 2014

I would like to know what to do about an attorney that doesnt return calls or every send a piece of information or even brings a pen and pap...


I would like to know what to do about an attorney that doesnt return calls or every send a piece of information or even brings a pen and paper when interviewing? My dad fell in a hole at a airport and went to attorney for help. THat was September 13, 2008. My dad went to two interviews with the airport lawyers who never showed. But his attorney never bothered to call him. My father was 80. He died less than two years later never knowing what happened with the case. The attorney came to interview and never even brought a paper or pen and only came because i called to remind him. My brother and I were executives of my father and I have been for almost two years trying to get information from this lawyer but he never returns calls and never sends paper information to me or my brother. We wanted it taken to jury but he the lawyer didnt want to because he said he could get more if he just settled and that my dad would get nothing. I am going to court house tosee if I can find out anything on case but what do you do about an attory who never calls or answers calls. He is basically worthless but he had my dad believing in him. Can I turn a complaint into the bar association or what? Thank you for your time. Donna


Perhaps you should start by consulting with a new and different attorney, not in the town where your original attorney practices, and have the new attorney look into it for you and explain to you what happened or what did not happened. Then, you can make a decision as to whether any complaint is warranted.

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