Tuesday, 21 January 2014

I need help. I live in Texas. Me and my ex just broke up last month. We don't have a custody/visitation order in place (yet.) We had agreed ...


I need help. I live in Texas. Me and my ex just broke up last month. We don't have a custody/visitation order in place (yet.) We had agreed on some things- like meeting halfway because she moved to another city- but she has started going back on them.I pay her 20% of my income as child support even though we don't have an order yet. She has recently started making it difficult for me when I pick up the baby, she tells me things and sometimes I say things back, and last time she called the cops on me, telling them I threatened her, when it was her boyfriend threatening me, but they didn't listen to me. When I go to court, can I ask for a person who is not related to either of us be there as a witness to avoid situations like this? Or what can I do? I have no family here. I can't afford an attorney.


You need to find an attorney to help you. This is a complicated case! Look on this website and on www.avvo.com for an attorney. Most take payment plans. Most offer a free consultation.

You can certainly bring a witness to every exchange of the child. Or you can do exchanges at public places like McDonald's parking lot. If really bad, you can exchange at a police station or fire station - but most police/fireman don't like exchanges to occur at their location since it disrupts their day.

I am a mediator and mediation is usually cheaper than litigating. You need to have a case on file at the courthouse before coming to mediation. Then if an agreement is reached it is binding on both of you. You can read about mediation on the internet - just stick to Texas websites since other states do mediation differently.

Good luck! Merry Christmas.


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