Wednesday, 1 January 2014

I fell at a grocery store yesterday due to water in the floor and there were no wet floor signs anywhere. The water was coming from a sunroo...


I fell at a grocery store yesterday due to water in the floor and there were no wet floor signs anywhere. The water was coming from a sunroof type thing in the ceiling. I fell and hit my knee pretty hard on the floor. The manager was gotten and she took an incident report and said they would be contacting me. My knee is swollen and sore. I have not been to the doctor yet because I do not have insurance. What do I need to do?


Go to the ER, urgent care center, or your own doctor. Your case will lose any value that it has if you do not do this right away. If continued care is necessary the attorney that you hire maybe able to refer you to a doctor who will treat you on something called a letter of protection.

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